SkyWander is a powerful mult window browsere, it contains "advertisement killer","auto fill form", "strong collector", " group" and many other useful functions. in detail: 1.It is a multi-window browser, and unlimited window count in theory (only limited to your system resources), and you can specify max window count in program (default 30). 2."Advertisement killer" :can kill most popup windows about some advertisements in web page, to user, you need do nothing, because this function inner in program and action auto. And you can open the killed adv window by click the killed window URL on assistant panel in program right, and also you can cancel "kill adv window " function in "application config". 3. "Auto fill form": can fill forms in page (such as name, email, address etc input box in web page form) auto, program collect some fields frequently in page, and you can also add field by select "set form info", and now you can fill almost all field in form auto by set the form info, It is very useful. 4."Strong collector": one other important function about this program, it can collect all or selected text, image, links, source code, script(even hide scripts) in web page you current browsing and you can organize or save them easily in program. To collected text, source code, scripts, you can trim space or enter and save to file with .txt .html extension, to collected image, you can also preview in browser, to collected links, you can also browse them in browser by click the links. 5."Group:" like IE favorite, it provide a way to collect and organize site information you visited and enjoyed. But other than favorite, you can open serial sites in one group at a time. 6.in additional, the program includes muti-load (when application loading, program load serial site exceed one), save and load last visited site(the all sites you visited when you exit the program before), search engine, computer info, net info, online time...